Saturday 15 June
Lorton is hosting the BIG GREEN FAIR. This will take place on Saturday 15th June in 3 or 4 locations, as follows:
Big Green Fair itself – YTH
Swap Shop in the Barn in Lorton School playgrounds
Display of Wildlife surveys and other projects – St Cuthbert’s Church Lorton
Community picnic at lunchtime – venue to be agreed.
In addition St Cuthbert’s, Lorton will be holding a climate-themed service on the 9th June and St Bartholomew’s, Loweswater will be doing something similar on Sunday 16th.
The Green Fair:
Talks about various environmental matters – the draft list includes Cumbria Waste Services telling us about what happens to our rubbish, grow your own, composting, dangers of global warming,
Stalls including Lorton Village Shop, plants, Melbreak makers, Fairtrade, Veg Boxes
The Swap Shop:
This is a free and local exchange where you can pass on things you no longer want, in exchange for something you need. Many people describe it as a kind of cashless bring-and-buy sale, or bring-and-take. Participants do not need to bring anything in order to take away goods, and vice versa. Swap shops recognise that things no longer wanted by someone, might be another person’s treasure. By reusing things we cut down on the amount of waste and reduce the amount of resources that we use in manufacturing of new products. And it saves money! Everyone enjoys getting something for nothing as well as doing their bit for the environment.
St Cuthbert’s display areas:
The results of the wildlife surveys that will hopefully have been carried out during the week will be displayed here, along with displays about other environmental projects, focussing on the ones within the Melbreak Communities such as Creative Workshops, ‘Melbreak Net Zero’, Community Hydro Project to name just a few!
Saturday 15 June
10:00 am - 4:00 pmYew Tree Hall, High Lorton, Cockermouth, UK