Training and Networking

Here you’ll be able to sign up to a range of training and networking sessions for Great Big Green Week 2024. You can also find recordings of previous sessions to watch in your own time.

Sign up to our mailing list for updates on upcoming sessions.

Current sessions

Here you’ll find all the training sessions that you can currently register for. Scroll down for a list of upcoming and previous sessions!

Evaluating your Great Big Green Week events

A lot of work goes into planning a Great Big Green Week event so understanding what works, who attends and what could be improved can be super helpful for you and the wider Great Big Green Week community. We’re here to help you gain understanding by sharing some guidance on how to evaluate the impact of your events, help you identify learnings, and build on these learnings for future events in your community and across the nation.

During this session, we’ll cover:

  • Why it’s important to review your events

  • Learnings from previous Great Big Green Week’s

  • Run through the Great Big Green Week Organiser and Participant survey we’ll be asking people to fill out during the week

  • Top tips for speaking to your event participants

📅 When: Tuesday 21st May 2024, 6-6:45pm
💻 Where: Online

Sign up for the training

Upcoming sessions

Previous training sessions

How to organise a Green Week

If you’re organising an event or Green Week this year, or just want to hear more about Great Big Green Week, this session has an overview of everything you need to know, including:

  • What is Great Big Green Week?
  • How can we swap together for good?
  • Training and resources
  • Registering your events
  • Hear from previous Great Big Green Week organisers, Greener Henley
Watch the training here

How to apply for Community Funding

This session focused on how to apply for funding for your community events and initiatives, including Great Big Green Week activities.

Hannah Picken, the founder of a not for profit organisation Wild Earth Movement, shared her experience of taking part in The Great Big Green Week and sourcing and applying for funding for their events.

We then heard from three funders, who shared their guidance and advice on applying for funding – Conor Rowden, Network Coordinator at Warm This Winter/Uplift UK, Perrine Rauzy, Community Manager at Action Funder and Melissa Eaglesfield, Deputy Director UK Portfolio at The National Lottery Community Fund.

Watch the training

Media Training with the Local Storytelling Exchange

Getting media coverage is a fantastic way to tell your story, boost local awareness and ensure that as many people as possible in your community hear about your event or local Green Week. It might sound daunting, but this training will provide tips and guidance to make it easier.

We’ve teamed up with the Local Storytelling Exchange to run this session to equip you with the fundamental knowledge and tools to achieve local media hits and feel confident engaging with local media in the run up to Great Big Green Week.

This training session covers the importance of local and regional media, guidance for engaging with the media, including interview tips, finding journalists, writing press releases, and more. There will be a chance to get into smaller groups to share your plans for Great Big Green Week so we can support you with developing your story for local media.

Watch the training here

Great Big Green Week: What are members of The Climate Coalition planning?

Hear exciting plans for Great Big Green Week from member organisations of The Climate Coalition, find out new ways that you can get involved in Great Big Green Week, and connect with other groups across the country.

How to run a Green Week

These sessions give an overview of everything you need to run a local Green Week, including some top tips from groups who organised events in previous years. You catch watch the training sessions from February 2023 and April 2022 here. 

Watch the training from February 2023

Blackening the Green Movement

In this session Professor Robert Beckford talks about how we can engage more black and brown people within sustainability and climate movements.

Watch the training

Engaging the Media with The Media Trust

This session, hosted by The Media Trust, will provide you with the skill and confidence to talk to the media about Great Big Green Week and your events. Helping you to bring your stories and events to life in the media!

Watch the training

Email support

If you have any questions about running a Green Week in your area, get in touch with us at