Your involvement will put the ‘great’ in Great Big Green Week. So we’ll have a ton of resources to help you every step of the way.

Whether you are interested in having a more effective conversation about climate change, or want to organise a local green week, whatever you need you’ll be able to find it on this page.

Organise an event

Here, you will find resources to help you organise your Great Big Green Week events, like our Organisers Guide, a guide to uploading your events to the website, and ideas for events you can host in your local area. 

Organisers’ Guide

You can connect with your local community and get the attention of local decision makers by hosting a Green Week or an event in your town. A local Green Week can be anything from a few to a few hundred local events. Our guide will have all the information you need to organise your own local Green Week or event.


A-Z of Event Ideas

What will make the Great Big Green Week so great is the range of events organised to celebrate the brilliant and unique work of communities, businesses and individuals across the country. If you need help getting started, this guide will have plenty of ideas to inspire you!


Event submission and website guide

Read through this guide to help you register your events and local Green Weeks on the Great Big Green Week website.


Fundraising guide

Great Big Green Week events can vary in size, focus and cost. This guide will walk you through the different ways you could fund your Great Big Green Week activities, and much of this guidance can also be applied to searching for funding for other community projects and initiatives.


Promotion and Media

Here you’ll find resources to help you spread the word about Great Big Green Week, including a range of branding and customisable materials like posters and social media assets, a guide on how to get local media coverage, a guide to help promote your events, and more!

Comms and branding pack

We have a range of branding and customisable promotional materials including posters, flyers and social media assets for you to use to promote your Great Big Green Week event. We are using a tool called Canva which will help you create high quality resources for free using the Great Big Green Week branding. You can also find the Great Big Green Week logos and branding guidelines in this resource.

If you need some support using Canva, see our guide with step by step instructions here


Outreach guide

Are you organising an event or local Green Week as part of Great Big Green Week this June? If you are, and you need some help to do it, this is the right resource for you! This guide will help you to reach out to people in your community and beyond to get involved in your Great Big Green Week events and activities.


Promote your local Green Week and events

Local promotion will be essential to gather momentum, raise awareness and get a great turn out of people attending your Green Week and events. This guide will provide some top tips for promoting your local Green Week and events, and templates for inviting people to get involved.


Media guidance and support

Getting media coverage is a fantastic way to tell your story, boost local awareness and ensure that as many people as possible in your community hear about your event or local Green Week. It might sound daunting, but our guide makes it simple.

In this guide you’ll find some pointers on speaking to local media, a refresher on the main messages for Great Big Green Week, a template press release and more.


Engage Your Prospective Parliamentary Candidates

This summer’s general election is critical for our planet. We need to ensure all our future key decision makers are well-informed about climate and nature issues, and aware that public support for action is both massive and mainstream.

Great Big Green Week 2024 is set to take place just a few weeks before the General Election. This means our events hold even more potential for engaging with prospective parliamentary candidates (PPCs).

If together we show broad and diverse support for action, we can secure commitments from political representatives bringing significant wins for people, climate and nature.

The Great Big Green Week is an opportunity to show how much climate change and nature matter to people in the UK ahead of the general election on 4th July. Learn more about how to engage your parliamentary candidates as part of the Great Big Green Week this June!


Other useful resources

Film Screening Options

Do you want to host a community film screening for Great Big Green Week? Here are some suggestions:

Saving Our Wild Isles

Sir David Attenborough tells a story of hope in a time of crisis for UK nature in Saving Our Wild Isles: a documentary that came to BBC iPlayer in Spring 2023. Commissioned by WWF, the RSPB and the National Trust, and produced by Silverback Films, the documentary was inspired by the Wild Isles series and shares stories of passionate people across the UK who are working to bring nature back from the brink.

If you’re thinking of hosting a screening of Saving Our Wild Isles, WWF has all of the information and resources to help you.


The Migration Blanket – Climate Solidarity film

Climate change continues to displace communities and disrupt the global economy. The Migration Blanket – Climate Solidarity  film shows how women’s lives are being affected. The art movie is also a show of solidarity between girls and women in the UK and  Commonwealth countries, calling for a greener planet where nobody is left behind and an end to violence against women. Described by politicians and media as a ‘powerful film’ the short features over 400 pieces of unique artwork created during the pandemic in extraordinary circumstances. This film shaped conversations on gender equality at Cop28 and spurred numerous campaigns on this issue following its release.

Refugee, migrant and marginalised women living in camps, orphanages and other temporary accommodation are given a voice and present their concerns, as do migrant and refugee women from the UK, who worked closely with award-winning British Filmmaker and campaigner, Salma Zulfiqar BEM.

Audiences will benefit from watching this film as they will learn why we need to take collective action in our communities and how they could be affected in the future.
For screenings / Q&A contact:


Bank Swapping workshops with Switch It Green

83% of people don’t realise that their banks are pouring billions into harmful industries every year, including funding new fossil fuels and deforestation.

Switch It Green is a climate action campaign working to stop banks from funding climate-wrecking industries. The team runs engaging educational workshops to bridge this awareness gap when it comes to the links between banks and climate breakdown and has mobilised thousands of people to swap their bank for a greener alternative on the Green Banking Platform. Every 10 people who swap their bank account means over £10 million moved out of potential fossil fuel support!

The interactive workshops cover everything from diving into how bank switching is a key part of the solution, taking a look at some of the projects banks are investing in behind our backs, answering your community’s bank swapping questions, and exploring how to chat to others about the world of green banking.

If you’d like the team to run a workshop for your group, community or local Green Week during Great Big Green Week, get in touch with to find out more!

‘How To’ video guides

If you need help using the Great Big Green Week customisable promotion materials, or uploading your events to the website, we have some videos to guide you through each step here.

Video guide for uploading your events and Green Weeks to the website.