Get involved

Whether you take part with your school, your family, your community, your place of worship or your business – there are so many ways to get involved in the Great Big Green Week!

Save the date

Mark your calendars for Great Big Green Week 2025: 7th to 15th June!

Why not tell your local community? Let people in your local area know that the Great Big Green Week will be taking place again next June.


Get your school involved

Could you plan a whole-school assembly, or do a dedicated lesson on climate change?

Find out more about getting your school involved in the Great Big Green Week.

Organise an event

It’s never too early to start thinking about your plans for next Great Big Green Week!

Could you organise an event in your local area? Or could you coordinate a local Green Week – a collection of events in one area?

Keep an eye on our organiser’s hub to be the first to hear about our new resources for 2025.

Get your organisation involved

Want to get your organisation involved in Great Big Green Week?

Find out more and download our toolkit on our partners page.