Email your MP

Follow up with your MP

Follow up with your MP after Great Big Green Week to tell them about your events and why taking action is so important to you and your community. 

Great Big Green Week 2023 was truly a national celebration of action to tackle climate change and protect nature, with thousands of events happening across the country in June. Community groups, councils, libraries, schools, places of worship and more got involved and called on our decision makers to take action now. 

Great Big Green Week highlighted just how many people care about these issues and want to create a cleaner, greener and fairer world. We need to keep up the pressure on our politicians to take action – that’s why we want you to talk to your MP about it.  

We’re asking anyone who organised an event this year to email your MP to set up a meeting with them. These meetings will be a chance for you to talk about your Great Big Green Week events and the impact they had, local climate and environment initiatives your MP can support, and the action you want to see them taking nationally.

The more our MPs hear from us, the more climate and nature will rise up the Government’s agenda. We want MPs to know about the success of Great Big Green Week, the impact your events had and show them just how many people are doing their bit and waiting for them to do the same. 

Before emailing your MP, we recommend that you download and read through our resource. This will give you some more information on setting up a meeting and will help you prepare ahead of your meeting.

Prepare for emailing and meeting your MP

Email your MP

You can email your MP using the editable template below. Just fill out the editable sections, pop in your postcode to find your MP and send it off. 

If you’d rather email your MP directly, write to them or send the invitation another way, you can find the draft email in this resource. Just drop us an email at to let us know you’ve sent the invitation!