local events

Million Mile Clean

Become an Ocean Activist!

Wherever you live, swap plastic polluted rivers and oceans for clean ones by joining the Million Mile Clean with Surfers Against Sewage. Receive free equipment to clean your local beach, park, river, mountain or street.

All you need to do is choose the date and time of your clean, receive your equipment, and get cleaning!

If your clean is taking place during Great Big Green Week, you can add your event to the Great Big Green Week website here, and list it as part of the Million Mile Clean so others in your community know it’s happening and can get involved!

Make your cleans go even further by recording all the findings of your clean and uploading your findings, collecting vital data to expose the top polluting companies – the ‘Dirty Dozen’ highlighted in our Brand Audit.

Whether you live in a city, the countryside or by the coast, plastic will find its way into the ocean. This Great Big Green Week, join the Million Mile Clean and stem the tide of plastic pollution.

Sign up here – https://www.sas.org.uk/plastic-pollution/million-mile-clean

Keen to keep cleaning after Great Big Green Week? We’re cleaning all year round, so please continue to sign up via our site, any time, any location.

Every clean counts!

If you would like to join a clean in your local area, you can check our map here – https://www.sas.org.uk/plastic-pollution/million-mile-clean/find-a-clean-near-you/
These are run by members of the public. You don’t need to signup beforehand, you can just show up to the meeting location on the day and get stuck in.

Alternatively you can register your own clean here – https://www.sas.org.uk/plastic-pollution/million-mile-clean/register-a-clean/  Just select whichever date and location suits you best (beach, street, park, river, mountain etc)

You’ll also be covered by our public liability insurance and can receive free equipment for up to 30 people.

Greenweek Organizer

Surfers Against Sewage

Saturday 8 June - Sunday 16 June 2024

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